April 19, 2021...
For 41 years, Orcas Island Tonewoods has been milling woods for musical instruments...it's been a great run...
Today I turn 70, and it's time to call it a day...
I'll be filling existing orders, but not taking any new ones…
There's still a lot of wood here I need to get rid of, so if you are on the island, drop by and have a look…
I’ll still be shipping palletized lots via truck, but will not be having anything to do with UPS or USPS, for all the obvious reasons...
Thanks for all your support over the years…
It's been a blast...
Bruce Harvie.
Orcas Island Tonewoods
Email me...
Orcas Island Tonewoods
679 Roehls Hill Rd.
Olga, WA 98279
(971) 232-7476