I still have a *lot* of nice wood left over from 40 years of collecting--available for pickup here on Orcas Island, or shipped via truck…
No more UPS/USPS/FedEx for me.
Enough already.
A pallet is usually 4’ x 4’ x 4’, and consistancy is the key…It’s nice to dial in soundboard plates using one tree, for instance.
All prices are FOB Orcas Island, Washington.
Email me with any questions, or more detailed info about the wood.
Last updated 12/13/24...
Lot #106: California Sitka mandolin tops...
In over 40 years of cutting up Sitka logs, I have never even laid eyes on one from California.
Beautiful split, hard-to-the-fingernail, silky, with some curly figure to make it interesting.
The tree was off-center, so there are some tight grained billets and some wider grained.
Split out into 2.5-3” thick billets.
40 hand-split tops…Maybe more to come…

Lot #108: 200 sets in Bigleaf Maple for F5 mandolin, violin, or for resawing ukulele sets.
15” x 5.5” x 1” (x2).
Medium figure--nothing psychedelic.
Scaled at 15 bucks per set.

Lot #112: Doesn’t get any better than this...
Hand-split redwood billets for mandolins or dulcimers.
32-36” long, 6” wide on the face, very tight graining, hard-to-the-fingernail--just beautiful stuff.
Much dryer than most of the sinker redwood I’ve been running into lately--great for shipping.
Scaled at 130 mandolins--you’ll get more.

Lot #116: A nice stash of curly redwood for milling electric guitar sets…
The grain is not tight enough (12 GPI or so) or dead-on quartered enough for milling archtop or flattop sets…but the figure is as good as it gets…
Approximately 125” of resawable thickness…8”+ faces…24” lengths…
Scaled at 40.00 per thickness inch...

Lot #118: 100 handsplit California redwood mandolin tops…
Tight graining, nice split, lightweight wood all split from the same tree…nice stuff.

Lot #119: A nice stash of Western Red Cedar for milling flat top guitar tops.
Would be nice for archtops as well…
Approximately 140” thickness inches of resawable thickness for milling jumbo flattops…
Tight graining, hard-to-the-fingernail, even coloring, straight graining...
